Emirates Team New Zealand wins the 36th America's Cup

Por Nautical Channel
Pablo Pereiro
17 Mar 2021
NEWS | Sailing, Windsurf

Emirates Team New Zealand raised the Cup for the fourth time in history after scoring the seventh point they needed in front of thousands of spectators. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli fought until the end in a very tight competition.

Days 1-3 of the America’s Cup Match ended in a tie as both teams had a deadlock of 3-3. However, winds had turned in favour of the kiwi team on Monday as the Emirates Team New Zealand broke the deadlock and scored 2 points. 

On day 6 of competition only a race could take place due to the wind conditions, and Emirates Team New Zealand took advantage of the situation and raised their score to 6-3. After then, they only had to win one more race to win the America’s Cup, and they did.


The last day of competition began with a wind of 10 knots and a current of 0.3 knots and thriving tension from both teams as this could be the last race of the 36th America’s Cup. If this was not enough, the sea breeze was reluctant to develop, causing a 30 min delay. As both teams entered the pre-start area, their strategy was clear: both wanted the right-hand side of the course.


Emirates Team New Zealand started to windward of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, and as they came slightly late to the line Emirates Team New Zealand was able to take the right-hand side. Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli was unable to tack across, meaning the kiwi team gained this valuable advantage.


However, as the pair came back together the second time, the Italians had made distance and were able to duck the Kiwis as they crossed. This allowed Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli to get the right-hand side of the course. Now, Emirates Team New Zealand had to close any opportunity Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli could take advantage of if they wanted to win this race.

Slowly but surely Emirates Team New Zealand started increasing the distance. By gate 4 they lead by 37 seconds as the Italian team hoped their opponents would make a mistake that shortened the distance between rivals. However, this did not happen as Emirates Team New Zealand headed on the last leg 49 seconds ahead.

After 10 races, Emirates Team New Zealand has won once again ending up in the pinnacle of the sailing world by winning the 36th America’s Cup!

Courtesy of America's Cup

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